How to Deal With Gaining Weight and Needing New Clothes: 5 Strategies


I don’t want to invest in new clothes if I don’t know where my body size will end up.

REFRAME: Imagine you are being temporarily transferred to a new city with a warmer climate. Would you insist on wearing your old winter jacket? Would you refuse to buy clothes to keep you cool,  even though you're not sure how long the new job assignment will last?

STRATEGY: Invest in some staple pieces that keep you comfortable, understanding that you may or may not need them in the long-term.Your comfort during this process is worth it.

I'm embarrassed to be sizing up.

REFRAME: Who's gonna know?? If it's the mysterious "them" out there who you're afraid of disappointing, rest assure that "they" will never know what size you wear. More likely, YOU are the person making the judgment--you feel the new size means something. (Journal prompt: what does it mean?) It's usually diet culture talking, so talk right back.

STRATEGY: Consider the new size a stepping stone in the recovery process. It is not a life sentence; you need a new size for a while to recover. Remember that the number on the tag won't destroy you like you thought it would. If you need to, cut out the tags.

Everything looks awful on me now.

REFRAME: You might look different. That doesn't mean you look awful. Again, what you are perceiving is the brainwashing that diet culture & the media has done to you. Studies show that our brains prefer what our brains look at most often--so if we only see thin figures, we start to prefer thin figures.

STRATEGY: Flood your feed with images of larger body types wearing clothes that YOU would wear. Over time, you will expand your definition of attraction.You will always find thinner silhouettes attractive as long as the media pushes them, but you will be able to see larger silhouettes as beautiful, too.

Nope, still look awful.

REFRAME: This takes time. You will not love, or even accept, your figure overnight. That's ok--you are under no pressure to do so. But in the meantime, you don't have to torture yourself.

STRATEGY: Experiment with new styles and colors. Wear things that make you feel bold--or whatever beautiful feels like for you. Don't underestimate the power of shoes and accessories. Put together at least a few head-to-toe outfits that make you feel good, and rotate them around. Your wardrobe can grow from there as you develop your comfort level. Prioritize feeling good over looking good.

What about the money?

REFRAME: This is not frivolity--this is an investment in your well-being. This is part of recovery and the rejection of diet culture, which will change your life!

STRATEGY: If you have financial flexibility, invest in your wardrobe. Old favorites can be replaced by new ones in more comfortable sizes. Experiment with new trends--redefine yourself.

If money is limited, it's harder but not impossible. Google thrift stores in your area, or shop at inexpensive stores. You do not have to wear designer items to look good. I mean, please.


Stefanie Michele

Binge Eating Recovery and Body Image Health Coach. I help women stop feeling out of control with food and find body neutrality. Intuitive Eating Counselor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner IT with anti diet culture content.

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